Friday, October 15, 2010

Spoiled dogs

I completely understand picky eating.    I don't like cheese;  gravy and sauces are not allowed on my plate.   But come on.   This stuff is 43 dollars a bag.   The bag is 15 pounds.  A 17 pound bag of Kibbles and Bits, Ollie and Bart's favorite, was around 20.00.   The new dogs are eating the steak version of dog food and it's Stevie's fault.     If you try to mix brands and wean the new crew off of it...they pick it out and leave the Kibbles and Bits.  Seriously.. I have dog bowls left with Kibbles and a mess on the floor where they played around with it in their mouths, found the steak and spit out the Kibbles.   I haven't tasted the stuff, but either it has addictive qualities  or Mattie and Stevie are ganging up on us because we no longer have to pay teenage boy car insurance or repairs.  
5-6 bags of the stuff will buy a plane ticket to Missouri.   One bag is dinner for two at Z Tejas and a good margarita.   We're the adults here.   We can choose not to buy the stuff.......they were so happy  with the new bag last night.    Stevie arrived from Oklahoma with instructions for feeding and his diet included this stuff.  The high priced food was supposed to hide that his momma was probably his great aunt and his daddy was probably his brother.   My best new pug who doesn't love me has bottom fangs, jazz paws and plays like a cat.   We kept thinking we would stop, we kept complaining about the cost, Mattie kept looking at the different food and sneaking bites, Ollie RIP liked the tiny pieces too.  
 We are doomed to Puppy 33.

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