Saturday, October 23, 2010


Stevie has no endurance.   He simply can't hold up to the fun of the moment.  And there was fun with a capital F.   We met a banana, a bee, a pirate and rainbow poodles....yet, his enthusiasm waned.   Mattie greeted and sniffed and whined for a nudge from the friends at Dogtoberfest.   We went for fun and Stevie was carried back to the car by his momma.  Mattie...well Mattie was again a perfect participant.   Excited, but not jerking the leash.    Happy tail wagging, but no lunging at new friends.    Whining and sniffing, but no aggression or fear.

But what an unusual place to hold a dog event.   Outside Nieman Marcus you could find beagles/hounds of varying sizes and mixtures.   I don't think those inside shopping would want a knock off/mixture of beagle.       And outside Tiffany's the doggies were peeing on the plants.   One owner of a humongous dog left a humongous prize right outside a clothing specialty shop and shortly thereafter came the volunteers asking "do you have/need poop bags?"   I tapped my purse and told her they were right here.  She said "good girl" and I was transported back to my early school  years when the teacher praises you for doing something like not eating the glue.  I ate the paste in Kindergarten.   It was green and smelled yummy.

And then came Pug Rescue.   We sat there and watched a senior fawn male bark at us and I wondered if we should.    RC said he wouldn't tell me no.    We just finished a year where we lost both our seniors and I was thinking Mattie looked awfully happy to see a senior fawn her Ollie.    It was a moment.   Then we had to move away or I would have been carrying Stevie and the senior to my car.    We were good parents to our senior boys.   And while chewed magazines and nightly walks are part of the new regime....I don't think it's time to add to the family just yet.    But I do know which one he was on the Pug Rescue website.  I'm keeping an eye on him for now.

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