Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My life in dogs

Sam, a beagle Herman, a daschound who stuck his head under our fence and stayed
Fred, a Weimerainer they bought in Dallas
Greta, another Weim found wandering the streets close to my school in 6th grade
she was my childhood counterpart to Bart...a standout among dogs.
Rosy, a mutt who bit people and was really really mean..
Clyde,  an Irish Setter that was about as mellow as a dog could ever be...but did bite the tail off a squirrel once

Once I moved out, married  there first was:
Luder, a Boston Terrier who growled at me regularly when I came to bed  and he found a good country home when we moved to the big city
Sissy, a rescue who jumped fences and  wandered and sadly who lost her life trying to come back home after an escape
Elvis, another Boston who lived and jumped for 10 happy years
and then came the PUGS
Ollie...well documented and much loved fawn pug who gave us 14 years of wonderful pugness.
Bart ..two years later a  sort of rescue and the final stop on his merry go round of living arrangements.  In 5 months approx. 4 different locations (some repeated) he kind of had some issues with bonding and nothing was sticking. (some people were not very nice to him either)  He moved in with us...terrorized Ollie for about 2 months and then we were all good to go.   He went to dog heaven last Jan.
I'll just add...caring for two senior dogs and sending your last kid off to college IS NOT highly recommended.   However...it is what it is.  If you love dogs...there is no other choice but to care for them as they age and fall apart in front of you.  It kind of gives you an idea of what 75 might be like when you get there.

The new generation  is young and full of energy and is shaping up nicely.

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