Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Battle at Kruger

this was what i thought of as i just watched mattie drag stevie across the yard by his hind leg.
i'm still thinking we need SUPERVISED playtime.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


i am 48 today
college girl will be home in her room waking up to waffles in 18 days
there are 27 more days in which to dramatically impact the lives of the young children in my classroom
or 27 days left to say "please make a better choice."    "time out at recess"   "we do not throw >>>>>"
"people are not for hitting."
"who broke all the pencils?"  (i know who breaks them, i just like announcing they are all broken again and staring down the one who did it.)

stevie had 0 crate potty accidents but 2 in house accidents

mattie is going to school this summer.  dog school.   she's naughty, funny and fast.   she'll do well.
here's our man ollie.   he's 14 w/two teeth.  "fang"       

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stevie found the big girl's food.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"I can swim!"

my new favorite place after or during my walk...
gilleland creek

Sunday, April 18, 2010

in case you were concerned

Ollie sleeping pug
snooring, chasing his dream squirrel
Old pug who is loved.

now you can be concerned on two levels
the absence of ollie pics and i am writing dog haiku.

In this corner........

Weighing in at the right corner...mattie girl
Weighing in at the left  corner.....stevie ray  or stevie starbucks  or stevie fourbucks...or stevie whose momma is never going to ever be able to afford drive through coffee until she pays for her new black puggie....


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3 (the head crusher move)


Happy Girl

Pfluger Park
back loop behind the park
last weekend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Stevie looks like a better groomed version of Stitch...of Lilo and Stitch Disney fame.
Mattie has upped her technique.    No longer content with a simple paw take down...she now has mastered the hing leg grab and drag.   It happens when she gets Stevie on the run (usually for bone stealing or pestering) and he runs off to hide...she chases and then administers the hind leg grab and drag.  No pictures yet.   

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mattie the Angel

It really is all about perspective.   Prior to Mattie we had two (RIP Bartie Boy) sweet mild mannered puggies.   Mattie seemed very naughty with her sneaky ways, slight chewing habit and playful nature.   Then came Steve..Stevie.    Mattie has a new brother.  He's a tiny (guinea pig size) 10 week old black pug who cost way too much money and truthfully...for that kind of money, he might ought to have come with at least a collar.  No more talk of cost per use or cost per pound...just know I vowed to limit  my venti non-fat vanilla latte from Starbucks  to once every now and then.     I  kind of like the name Stevie Starbucks except it makes my new baby sound like an ice skater in a Will Farrell movie.
Stevie is bad...I think that just means he is not trained, but for now he's bad and we like him.   Mattie however is an angel.   She has not eaten   him and mostly she doesn't hurt him very badly, but he does bite her tail often and when that is not available he steals her bone.   Right now his neck is in her mouth and she is flashing her white teeth at him.    For now he can't jump high so her escape is  the couch...but does that make my new baby a bully?
Here is Mattie practicing .   one of her holds.