Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Until further notice

This is August.   The month of slowing resigning oneself to the facts that yes, you must go back to school, yes, college girl will again be driving off to another state, and yes, the doggies will  be home alone without adult supervision.    Except for doing something with the 1000 plus emails,  computer time and blog pictures/posts on Mattie and Friends will be on break while we annoy and invade each others' space for the final three weeks. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Safe 2

All exits and door seen. No one or thing can sneak from behind. Instinct!!!

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#1 place for safety.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

11 months

In a week or so Mattie will have been ours for 11 months.   She's come a long way from the  "don't touch me, tail between her legs run away girl" she used to be.    Who would have ever thought she could be off leash racing through the surf in a strange town?   What she didn't like?   Stairs.   The girl would not climb the stairs unless she had you right beside her touching and encouraging.   She kept trying to go in the in between spaces instead of stepping on the steps.   She didn't like the strange house but did discover that our bed and the middle of the couch were safe places to stay.   So she stayed in the middle of the couch and in the middle of the bed...for a whole week.   Walking and trips to the ocean were her favorite parts of  each day.