Saturday, July 31, 2010

This was fun

But I'm ready to go home to my forever. home in Pflugerville.

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Friday, July 30, 2010


Listen to the adult in charge

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Thursday, July 29, 2010


Always swim with a buddy

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"I feel the need, the need for speed."

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Race through the surf

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Play in the ocean.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pug holiday

Stevie tries out the cushions at the
beach and gives them an A.

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this is the last picture ever of my best boy bart taken just a week or so before he died.      yesterday, putting away the yellow paint, rc asked me to touch up a few places where the refrigerator delivery men  had bumped/scratched the wall.   while doing this, i looked down and saw some more  smudges, marks and started touching those up too.    then it hit me.   i was covering up bartie.    he rubbed his goofy, sometimes dirty face against the walls to guide him to the kitchen where he always found snacks.     

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Went down to the dock this morning and took out a double and a dog.   Mattie's first kayak experience went well.   She sat in the middle and occasionally put a paw out to scare us and she drank off the side of the boat.   Destination?  Red Bud Island for F.U.N.

good dog. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Goose update

Technically the goose is not a friend of Mattie, but since it showed up at Mattie's door last Thursday here is what we know.   The flock gathered again (2,3,4 strong) according to various sightings.   Mattie who did NOT wake up when this little guy came honking, has since decided it would be most fun to pull her human to the ground to get to the flock in the park.   I can only hope they have a safe house to prevent loss of life...cuz the one at our house was definately domesticated...and not wild enough to fight off anything...even the Pflugerville Police.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Keep yourself (and your buddies) looking sharp!.   Blurred because of excessive licking (Mattie) as she tries desperately to groom her old buddy who is too old to get away so the only avoidance behavior he can manage is the head turn, which, if done too quickly, takes the back end out and he goes down...and THEN she licks and licks and licks because he can't get away.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Napping ollie

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Dog Fight

Sometimes Mattie snaps.    It's only happened a few times in the 10 months we've had her.    She looks up/wakes up and jumps one of the little dogs.    She could do a lot of damage...but that isn't her personality.  She is intuitively kind and gentle by nature.    She seems to go into a mode where she is "fending" off  danger.   If she thought they were rabbits, I think we might have blood....but she never goes that far.    This morning , it was Stevie.   At first he thought it was the play fighting they do, then he new it wasn't and turned on his 10 pound fierceness which aggravated the situation until he was running fast and away crying for his mama.
I've always gathered them back together and forced a "reconciliation" but this time Stevie wasn't having any of it...and Mattie tried to lick and apologize.  She always always seems sorry.   I don't think she understands it  when it happens any more than we do. 
They mysteries of a rescued dog. 

Monday, July 19, 2010


Find a hiding place.  Enjoy some alone time.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hang out with those who are wise and full of wisdom worth sharing.


Love the ones you're with!
This dog IS NOT moving to Missouri thank you very much!

Friday, July 2, 2010


If you have  dogs everyone has asked the question  "What do we do with the dogs?"    Combined with our usual vacation mishaps, we ask it worth it?  (vacations)   Before we are even out of the gate, open the garage to drive my sick car to the shop for repairs and there is a flat...flat tire.    My ability to attract long sharp objects into the side of a tire continues so we must pump air into flat tire,  drive to Walmart, buy a tire before we can drive the sick car with new tire to the VW place for repairs.  That was strike 1.   If you don't count the impending hurricane as strike 1 which I don't because you still have to go or loose your money because "refund only in the case of mandatory evacuation" isn't happening.  So 5 hours late we're off to the beach with doggies safely enclosed in their familiar home, a list of instructions for college girl and a good feeling which could be the Lockhart BBQ smell coming from the back of the car.  Mon. pm local Rockport news says we're out of storms path, just going to have some "sporadic wind and rain".    Tues lots of sun and high waves, winds and no beach to speak of so we are camped out on the road portion of Mustang Island State Park with a warning from the ranger they might order evacuation...but we give it a shot.     It was the 40 minutes of where's my wallet and phone that gave the beach visit a rating of 1 on a scale of 1-5.   To the gas station...cant buy much gas, discover wallet/phone gone (not mine), drive back to beach, search all areas, leave beach and hope it's back at the cottage, have bright idea to call phone....
phone/wallet ring to us from the backseat.   :) That was probably strike 2.
While leaving girl calls and says Stevie isn't right.   He is being taken to vet...I call  vet and discuss how they need to cancel their staff meeting so they can tend to my sick puppy who is being driven at that moment to their office.    They won't cancel their staff meeting but will call me when they see the boy and let me know what they think.   That was strike 3.   Puppies can go downhill quickly......don't they also know I just (6 months ago is probably not "just") sent my best boy Bart to dog heaven?   These are insensitive people and I added they must make SURE Dr. Sunbury is the one who sees Stevie.   I don't think I'm overreacting.    College girl said she had to apologize for me once she arrived and heard I had called.     Stevie is stable.    Stevie has......allergies.  That's it.  Strike 4.   Wed. arrives.   We know it will be the cloudy/rainy day of the trip so we take our time, sleep in and did you know....ESPN has something on at all hours of the day that is interesting?   Also marathons of old TV shows have  me hooked.   I now like NCIS.     We take a walk, eat lunch, drive Fulton Beach huge's the quiet non-eventful day of our trip.   HA!
We're back from the HEB with additions for our dinner and get settled in and then power, winds that are bending trees over and I am looking for a reasonable way to get us out of this situation.   I received a big NO for my suggestion of  moving to the electrically stable Hampton Inn on the highway.    The other person in the room is opening windows and taking off clothes.   I  cleaned the cottage and packed my bags,  pouted until dark and  discovered it had been a long time since I laid quietly and listened to the sound of wind/rain.   Power outage is Strike 5.   Rain and wind sounds score a 5.
At daybreak I get us on the road. 
Next trip....a week at a house in Galveston in  July.   They just had a  hurricane a bit ago, so odds are in our favor for a hurricane free trip.   College girl, son and wife, doggies are all coming.  YEA!