Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho........

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to MO I go....(insert whistling)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Does love smell like bacon?

I've been told that Stevie doesn't love anything or anyone...he's all about self and the person in the room is the favorite or the person on the sidewalk or the person walking on the trail.    Pug love is what I am seeking and it is hard to have once loved and lost my love and think I'll never have that love again.   Overly dramatic, sappy and true.    Bacon pieces in my pocket just like Jack Nicholson in As Good As it where we are headed.   College girl suggested that kind of love.   I will smell like bacon.   My pockets will have grease stains.  Will I find love?

Mattie rests...Stevie mad...Rabbit safe!

I'm certain Stevie found last night's rabbit chase something he does not want to do again. He was tangled in her leash and dragged sideways and bouncing across the park. No rabbit caught. One really mad little pug.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Stevie,

This song is for you
Love, me.
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David Soul - Don't Give Up On Us

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

loves me, loves me not

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Mattie says "....."

Mattie sharing rules or doggie wisdom:
"don't go into water deeper than your ankles if you don't have a snout"
"don't sit next to my master"
"don't sit on my blanket"
"be careful what you ask for"
"i will LET you play w/the chew bone"
i will TAKE the bone when i want it"
"if you leave the bone under the deck you have to get muddy and get it"
"i groom daily and you really should too"
"master loves me more"
"don't make me prove it"
"if someone's getting left at home, it's you."
"find some manners please"
"we don't pee in the house"
"we don't poop in the house"
"don't watch any more camels on looked stupid barking at them"
"and're a pretty good buddy."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Power or Queen Mattie

There is a school of thought that if one worries too much about what another is saying, doing, having and so on...the result is you loose your "power".  

If you translate this thinking into "dog"  it looks like a sleeping Mattie, one eye open, appearing too cool to notice, and then POOF!     She's on top of  little Stevie and no one knew she even cared....especially Stevie.     Stevie is now on notice and we don't quite know why.   Power has been identified in the room and we all go back to reading or watching TV.

Mattie hits.     I understand the routine is walking daily....however my heel hurts and for now it's not on my list.   It's on Dad's to-do list.    But Dad is late coming home and she's tired of waiting so  I'm unsuspecting, laying of the couch. Then,  a chirp of a bark and she smacks me with her paw.    I turn around and she's going to do it again, but I grabbed the paw.    Mattie isn't mean, but she does know how to get attention.   I called her Dad and said hurry, she's mad.
Who has the power in our house?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

F word

I bought a dog for a ridiculous amount of money,  named him Stevie because that was kind of like "Bartie" (the original dog love of my life) but different enough that he could have his own personality, loved him faithfully,   and then  he quit loving me because the other person who lives in the house feeds him snacks out of the kitchen every f_ _ _ _ _ g  night. (and you know I am unhappy, because I just don't talk like that)

I don't want to sink to the level of the other human in the house and STEAL his  BELOVED girl dog  because I am a better person than that....but if you  see the other human who lives in this house or you phone him from college because you need more money or something brought to you in 12 days , you might mention this post and something called Karma.

I don't hold any of this against Stevie.   I love Stevie..... madly and deeply....even more than ever because he took to heart our conversation about keeping his pee and poop outside when he had a setback a few days ago.   No accidents and very little chewing on my books.   There was an orange cover on the floor and The New Yorker was wet.. (bringing the used  ones ..not chewed or wet,  to my coworker,  Tekla,  very soon)  Anyway.....I respect the choice my dog is making (who doesn't like brownie)  and will be waiting patiently for him to return to his mama.
and that is all i have to say about that.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

One year ago

One year ago on a Friday he called and said "we caught her"..."can you go down to the shelter and fill out the adoption papers?"   I walked past  rows of dogs and  found her on the back  of the shelter curled  in the corner.   It looked like prison for doggies.
I arranged for the pug brothers RIP to meet her, told the shelter all we knew about  her and they  told me she might not ever become "tame".    Our only concern was she not eat the pug brothers.....everything else would  take time.   Tuesday of the next week Mattie came home to her forever home, lived here two nights and was gone again.  Neck slipped out, I tripped, and off into the night she went.    Sightings around town El Rincon, Golden Chick, and the hardest of all ...we saw her over by the baptist church and tried to get her to come.   We stopped following because she was running towards 1825, a major highway.   I put her picture in the hands of everyone I knew, called animal control and was afraid to call the shelter afraid they would take her back because we had just lost the dog we adopted.      She had stitches  from being spayed and no collar and a chip  that still needed to be registered via a website.    It looked pretty hopeless and while she was considered  "wild" her wild days had been at a pharmaceutical plant, surrounded by pastures  of green grass and chirping birds.   She had played chase with the employees, ate their snacks, chased rabbits from the shrubbery swam and drank from the pond and had made quite a home for herself  in this really safe place to be a wild dog.
No one  knew if she had ever been off the property before being sighted.
On Saturday, a phone call from a man "have you lost a dog?"  He described her and I gave an address and he brought her back to us.    He lived close to the HEB @ Wells Mattie was traveling away from us.  He  didn't have to work hard to catch his yard, there was a corner and she curled up in a ball.  He said she looked like she had just given up.  Once inside he said he noticed that she had fresh stitches and I still don't know who he called to find us, but Mattie walked back into our  home two days after I lost her  and hasn't left us again.

The pics below are of Mattie and Hattie the Hen.   I thought they were appropriate from wild dog to our dog  anniversary pics because Hattie brought  back  Mattie's hunting, found my food, get away or I'll snap you wild dog instincts.
Hattie is plastic, with lipstick and wears a bikini.   She does not look like a real bird.   She  squeaks.
When Hattie came out, Mattie picked her up, and then stood guard from the floor and the  couch.    The former wild dog was protecting her bikini clad rubber chicken from her brothers...the one with no teeth and the one who just wants to play.   She snapped and lunged when they tried to  enter a boundary that included the  entire living room.        Hattie never made it to  the basket of chew toys.   We hide Hattie.    I brought her out for the closeup shot, but Hattie will return to hiding.

Mattie...wild dog to our dog.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Almost there just a little further

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Tight squeeze

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Pop's lap

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I have insomnia ...again.   Told by others to just go with it and this typing is much safer than typing out emails to those I work for.
Home looks remarkably like our holiday, except maids don't come and make the beds and I don't get to go out to dinner or have my breakfast cooked for me....and I don't have to work on a holiday. I guess I meant home and holiday look pretty much the same for the doggie.    Mattie sits on the couch and looks around.   Mattie sleeps in the bed if you let her past the hall and Stevie runs around grabbing treasures off the floor and brings them to you.
When he does this you must smile and talk gently so he'll keep coming toward you or else you play the chase Stevie game.
The  picture I want to use is on the phone I often can't use and I'm on the computer where I can type but have no picture.   About the phone.   I work with a lovely woman who knows how to use her phone which is just like my there is hope for me.
I'll send the picture but you'll see the picture before you read the words to describe what was....I thought ...a phenomenal move forward in Mattie's development from wild dog to our dog.
To travel in a car used to send her into tail tucked shivering fright.   She curled in the corner of the backseat and waited for the car to stop and then you had to lift her out.    We took lots of car rides to Auditorium shores this summer to chase I knew she was better.   The picture shows just how much better she has become.     The car...a Toyota Yaris.    The space between the two front seats maybe 12 inches.  

Monday, September 6, 2010

Need phone tutorial again.

Take this hike. 4.5 miles,moderate difficulty,loop so we can find the car again, and side trails down to the lake make Stevie the hands down winner of hardest worker.
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Picking the perfect hike for different ability groups!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Steve hikes too!

Short legs call for rest.
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Mattie hikes

Hiking for different ability groups!
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Texas vs Rice

My parents left me here for a bit and I was still here two hours later.
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Sleepy dogs

A Starbucks stop and we're on our way again.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

on the road

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's September

Last September Mattie joined our family.   A week ago almost September, Ollie left with snorts and wiggles and a normal day with his buddies.     He was the best dog!   I'm certain he found Bart in dog heaven and both are together again.    He was college girl's puppy since Kindergarten.  Good dog Ollie...winner of 4th place at dog school and a good teacher on how to be a calm, happy dog to his buds.
In honor of Ollie's love for road trips....we're taking the newest additions on a road trip holiday.
More pics from the road soon.