Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dog on Alert

At 4:30 a.m. I watch last night's shows or scan Facebook for postings and pics of college girl doing something fun or new.   At 4:30 a.m. everyone else sleeps except the people who work night shifts and we used to be one of those families but we are not any longer. (a run on I'm sure, but I'm working on stopping my use of....... dot dot dot dot).
Mattie will hear me make coffee and  stroll down the hall yawning and stretching.     Stevie doesn't budge.  If I turn on the light and stumble into a chair leaving the bedroom, he still doesn't budge.
So Mattie comes in and sits down beside me this morning and is suggling up in her (mine) blanket.    A bit later she sits up and growls low growls.   She chirps low barks.   She paces back and forth from the front window but she won't go out the back which is odd because she loves the cool dark.    Sometimes you'll find her out in the yard in the cool dark chewing a bone or looking around, kind of like she's waiting for a show to begin.
This morning her growl and chirp time lasted 20 minutes so I woke up the leader and told him the girl was wonky and needed his guidance.    What I really said was put on your pants and shoes and  take her outside to see if there is danger.     Mattie thought there was danger and I thought he should investigate because he is the leader of the dogs and the one who stole my pug's love  so he should go, not me.
They didn't find anything.   She seemed happy.  I finished watching NCIS. 
Pugs don't go on alert.   Ever.

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