Saturday, November 21, 2009

Girls rule boys drool? (sorry Bart)

First...Bart is the dog love of my life.   He beats Greta my childhood weimareiner and I didn't think any dog could do that.    With that in mind I am going to say...our boys are gross and our girl is not.    I tried to spin it as they are old seniors and things happen when you get old and we just have to deal.    I tried to remember if there was a time when they did not have gross habits.    I've only known Mattie about 8 weeks...but she is the most "girl" of any dog I know (this would not be a large group)...not paint your nails or  sprakle collar..just "girl".   She grooms.    Chomps the nails, licks the legs and tummy, chomps the nails and chews the bones to maintain shiny teeth.      She has had 0  ZERO potty accidents....ZERO...and   she doesn't smell.   My boys both smell. And  burp..and pass really awful smells...then walk away because THEY don't like the smell.    Mattie  tries to groom the boys.    Our first "dog fights" were because she would not quit licking them and apparently they like their bad smells well enough to fight off or growl away a nice little clean girl who was just trying to be helpful.   Her only flaw so far?   Besides chewing the outdoor stuff....she can jump on furniture with muddy paws.....but we planned ahead.    The furniture is leather and the pillows and throws wash.  Other flaw....I still think she would race away if she was off leash outside.  Call of the wild..maybe?      We're going to try Zilker over the holiday to  meet some new doggies.   On leash...with assistance of college girl who comes home in 2 days.  YEA!
Boy dog baths this weekend if the sun comes out.   

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