Monday, November 16, 2009


I don't have a picture so I hit google "ear".   13 pages and more of diagrams and Mr. Holyfield with his chewed off and a pretty girl with  multiple objects...hard to find a nice looking ear on google so you get an ear diagram and if you choose a review of ear parts.   
Ears are important.    Mattie nipped her pack leader when he quit scratching,playing with her.    She sat down beside him on the couch like a human....leaned over and nip nip.    He bent over laughing and she went for a nip on the back of his seat.    She was GOING to get him to keep playing with her.   I told him he should scold her...I told him he should firmly say NO!   Nope...he didn't.     Cesar would be disappointed.

1 comment:

Katy said...

but mattie got exactly what she wanted! who's the pack leader now? ;)