Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving highlights!

Thanksgiving had 7 other people in the house and Mattie was unsure what to do.   In and out and finally...on the couch next to a blanket (her blanket now)...use to be my cashmere shawl before it had holes....anyone else letting their doggie sleep on cashmere?  Currently there is a little battle going on over who gets the soft shawl.   I took it away to give to Bart..the rightful owner ...and for my effort had a nip on the arm and a pull at my sleeve to give it back  Next day a trip to ZILKER!!!
No words here ...the pictures tell it all.

If you are noticing the pretty pink harness...it had a pupose.    Keep Mattie.    That was the goal of the day.   Harness the dog.   Drive the dog to park.  Walk the dog.  Drive the dog back home.  Keep the dog.
It worked...and she was kind enough at the end to sort of pose for me with the lake in the background.  

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