Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mattie says "....."

Mattie sharing rules or doggie wisdom:
"don't go into water deeper than your ankles if you don't have a snout"
"don't sit next to my master"
"don't sit on my blanket"
"be careful what you ask for"
"i will LET you play w/the chew bone"
i will TAKE the bone when i want it"
"if you leave the bone under the deck you have to get muddy and get it"
"i groom daily and you really should too"
"master loves me more"
"don't make me prove it"
"if someone's getting left at home, it's you."
"find some manners please"
"we don't pee in the house"
"we don't poop in the house"
"don't watch any more camels on looked stupid barking at them"
"and're a pretty good buddy."

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