Thursday, September 16, 2010

F word

I bought a dog for a ridiculous amount of money,  named him Stevie because that was kind of like "Bartie" (the original dog love of my life) but different enough that he could have his own personality, loved him faithfully,   and then  he quit loving me because the other person who lives in the house feeds him snacks out of the kitchen every f_ _ _ _ _ g  night. (and you know I am unhappy, because I just don't talk like that)

I don't want to sink to the level of the other human in the house and STEAL his  BELOVED girl dog  because I am a better person than that....but if you  see the other human who lives in this house or you phone him from college because you need more money or something brought to you in 12 days , you might mention this post and something called Karma.

I don't hold any of this against Stevie.   I love Stevie..... madly and deeply....even more than ever because he took to heart our conversation about keeping his pee and poop outside when he had a setback a few days ago.   No accidents and very little chewing on my books.   There was an orange cover on the floor and The New Yorker was wet.. (bringing the used  ones ..not chewed or wet,  to my coworker,  Tekla,  very soon)  Anyway.....I respect the choice my dog is making (who doesn't like brownie)  and will be waiting patiently for him to return to his mama.
and that is all i have to say about that.

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