Saturday, March 5, 2011

food and Mattie loves cheese

Can's taste and can't swallow so of course I'm thinking about food.   My screen saver on my Evo is fruit loops.   Which made me think of our swim girl.
Long ago during the age group swimming days when she very first started to be successful...a swim mom came up to me and said "What do you feed her?"   I was puzzled to be asked this question which over the years I later learned was a leading question people want to know of successful swimmers.   What do they eat?   Like cows or dogs....what do you feed 'em?
She ate fruit looops and pop tarts and chicken nuggets and resisted every attempt at oatmeal and eggs.   
Pop tarts and fruit loops didn't seem like the right answer but that's what the girl was eating, so that's what I said.     I could launch into a whole other topic of scary swim parents...but I will not as it would be negative and non-productive.    
I think she eats differently now.    I saw oatmeal in her bowl last week...and eggs.      
And about Mattie and cheese.....if she hears the refrigerator door open, she'll go look.   If he's getting cheese, she'll follow and sit down and look at him longinly until he gives her all his cheese.   She is chubby.
Stevie likes it too.

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