Monday, March 21, 2011

college girl wears a ski helmet (please)

I'm not fond of cold.   In all our years vacationing, I think we've taken 1 trip to Colorado in December, 1 trip to New Mexico in November ... and now the trips to Missouri for visits with the college girl.  
Skiing has never been our thing.   I know lots of people do it and after two attempts I have these memories.    Red River, New was early in the season and there were 4 of us.   Two couples (we didn't know the other couple)  and there were two instructors.   Her husband  and me....we ended up with personalized  ski instruction 1:1 because the spouses  put on skis and left.   On that trip I fell off the ski lift into a valley below....stopped and didn't start up again in the middle of the hill because I  watched the ski buggy come cart off some poor soul with broken body parts and then thought I should be done with this sport.   The people at the bottom of the hill thought I should come on down.   I snow plowed down.  
Winter Park, Colorado.   Everyone put on skis, had fun and they left me in ski school.    I had Hitler for an instructor.   He took us to the top and said "now we go down."   More truth has never been spoken.   I could turn right, but could not turn left.   On every left turn I fell down.   And this is how I made my way down the mountain.   I did not return to Hitler Ski School.   Thankfully I am married to a kind person who found tubes and hills and sleigh rides to fill the rest of our family trip.   
The girl is going skiing and all I can think of is Liam Neeson's wife crashed on the beginner hill and didn't make it home to unpack.   Sometimes I'm a glass half empty person and need someone to turn my frown upside down.  
I have found there are lovely ski helmets when I did a search on  google and since she'll need to rent all her gear.....hopefully this will be included in the package...AND because our girl is practical and very smart....she'll wear it I'm sure.    I would like to post a  picture a day of ski helmets on her FB page, but then I become THAT mother and I try hard not to be THAT mother.    I still may send them via text....and I'll go next and look on youtube for video of cool young adults skiing in their way cool helmets.    She chose a safe sport.    There isn't a lot of danger in swimming if you know how to do it and she's been water safe for a while.  

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