Saturday, April 9, 2011

stevie crashed the picture

there is one lovely patch of bluebonnets in a field sort of hidden from the rest of the world, however, the rest of the world has found it and is taking obligatory family pictures in our bluebonnets.

so yesterday i learned that earlier this week....the doggies along with dad were walking, leashes off toward our field.    stevie spied a young family with little ones and took off to become their dog.   so i called him my stupid pug a week ago, but  if he's going off and leaving his master for a group of strangers without a pause in his step....then maybe it's not personal.

anyway, he crashed their picture (think they brought their own photog) wiggled around for a while until he was full of compliments and then apparently had to be dragged off by his dad.     

dad has no control over his animals.

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