Saturday, April 2, 2011

No Staying Power

Went to a Save our Schools/ Don't Cut Kids Out rally this morning.    The dogs the husband and locals from our schools, parents and kids all walked from the high school to the city park to hear State Senator Kirk Watson and the mayor of P'ville and some high school boys who give us all hope for a good future.

The problem was...Stevie has no staying power.   We walked to the start and then the route and finished close to our home.    Mattie walked around like the queen she is..sniffing and looking and behaving like a royal.   Stevie walked like a red hot mess and I feared for his death from over exertion and exhaustion.   I carried his furry black self  most of the way and we were heckled.    When we arrived at the park he cooled and sipped from the creek and proceeded to act sort of normal.   

Somewhere at some point a photo of me carrying him will surface.   I wouldn't want photo documentation of the event....but someone has it.   If it turns up, I might share.

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