Thursday, June 17, 2010

These teeth

Look at her shiny white and sharp teeth.   The teeth that chewed a few favorite things (totally my fault) and the teeth (I am told) ate rabbits when she held "wild dog" status at Hospira.    On the other side of the fence is a nice family.   The nice family likes animals.    The nice family  put a rabbit in a pen and put the pen next to my fence.    I saw digging marks by the fence where the rabbit lives.   Mattie likes rabbits.   She licked her mouth and tugged while I was pulling her away from the rabbit she can SEE through the fence.    Mattie rarely barks.   She has manners.   She barked wildly at the rabbit...while she was trying to claw her way to the other side.    I blocked off that park of the fence.   The rabbit can thank me later.    I do value rabbit life.   Especially caged harmless ones who are being stalked by former wild dogs.   The nice family used to keep chickens in that part of their yard.    Mattie didn't seem hungry for chicken.
Look closer at the three tags on Mattie's neck.   One is her microchip tag (thank you Town Lake Animal Shelter)  one is her rabies (again thank you TLAS) and finally there is a tiny oval that holds the name of our leader and his personal phone number.    Don't ever let him tell you he doesn't LOVE...... LOVE LOVE this dog.    In  the 29 years I've known him, he's never put HIS name and  phone number on a dog.

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