Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mattie's other brother Ollie!

This is Ollie.   Hey.."I'm not gonna look at you" and I'm always aloof Ollie!

"Ok..I'll look.:

"I'm done and you're boring." 
Just so you know...his most exciting event of the day is changing his nap from the front sunny window to back sun by the back door in the afternoon. 

This is his plea for help.  "help"
The grout doesn't even look dirty in this pic..just tan.
Ollie is a victim of stalking.   Food stalking.
He eats slowly.  Some days he doesn't finish he eats so slowly.
Bart knows this and waits quietly still until he hears Ollie move...then he approaches quietly( like no one sees or hears the blind baby when he hits the wall or a chair) he's not subtle.   He wants the leftovers Ollie leaves.
Ollie always leaves leftovers because as I said he eats slow and sometimes he gets tired from eating and needs to nap or lay down somewhere immediately.    This use to be a fun game for Ollie and Bart but now he needs help.  "help".     Mattie has figured out Ollie leaves food.   She has figured out it will take my blind baby a little bit of time to find the leftover food and now she is also a stalker.    Poor Ollie...he eats and looks around and then gobbles and coughs and looks around.    He jumped Bart this morning and Bart wasn't EVEN close just because he knew someone was coming for his food bowl and this morning he wanted his food.  "help"

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