Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mattie Played

Here's how it usually goes.
Throw a ball her way...she thinks you're trying to hurt her so she runs away.
Try to play tug and she lets you have it.
Peek a boo sends her walking away ears pinned to her head which is her first indicator of I'm scared and you did it so please stop now.

Prior to last night the only play type activity we've seen was her pinning down her brother or the two of them stealing the bone and running.   She hadn't played with us.  She comes to us for love, food and walks.    

One of Stevie's fav games is "footsie".   He's on the bed,  perched on the edge and you grab at his feet and he barks and plays keep away.
Last night when Stevie was playing....Mattie decided to play with her dad.   We had to hold Stevie down to keep him from ruining the first ever moment when Mattie joined the game too.

We think Mattie missed out on the playing stage of development  that puppies have with humans.   She didn't get much help in that area from Bart or Ollie either.   Walking to the sunny window to sleep for 5 hours and snore was their activity.   

So, one year and a couple of months after joining our family, she is confident enough to play.  
I think it's still to early for the Frisbee.  But I'm hopeful.

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