Tuesday, October 5, 2010

COMO (short for Columbia, Missouri)

I had a plan.   The plan did not unfold the way I had hoped.    It was an exciting weekend with the college girl, swimming, and the doggies and my brain wasn't exactly thinking..."post pictures on blog".

Stevie leaned how to be a hamster this weekend, college girl swam well and while Vern Yip did a great job in August setting up the college girl's room in the house she now shares with   three other swimmer girls)...there was definitely room for improvement.    We added a cushy orange sale chair...the kind a college kid should not have because it is really  really nice..but a leg was cracked and the store was practically giving it away... it was the huge bargain of the weekend, new curtains (even though Vern tried....he should have been at Target and not Walmart)
a headboard (Vern's wife would have bought it when Vern bought bed last May, but Vern's wife had to stay home because this was VERN's trip to MO alone to attend End Of Year swimmer banquet...and VERN's WIFE is not still BITTER. Really.)
More pillows, lamps, and a rug made the room feel homey and complete.  Now college/swimmer girl is ready to entertain her incoming recruit from Austin this weekend!       Which brings back shivers because there was nothing more stressful than that  high school senior year recruiting business!  UGH.
Enough with the room....Stevie is part hamster.    Mattie is perfect and is N.E.V.E.R. crated in a hotel.   Stevie...not so much.   Took the pop up crate and popped him inside and went off to watch swimming.   Returned...he had collapsed the thing and was laying flat inside.   Round 2.   Apparently flat inside was not an option and getting out was the plan... so we popped him back inside and went off to watch swimming for the afternoon session.   Returned...he was o.u.t. out.  Door a little scratched...but no other damage.   Remember Mattie is sitting on the  bed throughout all of this looking queen like and superior.  Round 3.  Popped him inside the next morning to go watch swimming and we're going to tie the zipper shut...before we get that far he starts climbing up the side of the nylon crate and flips it over...climbs up the same side and flips it again...and off he goes flipping the crate around the room making desperate squeaking noises.  I proclaim he will be traumatized, must be released and Mattie will ensure his safety and good behavior while we are away.   VERN says I care nothing for his sanity and the charges he will be billed for destruction and we drive away to the pool.

Finally...we attended no tiger parent gatherings.    VERN likes them.  He is always popular and smiling and joking.   VERN's wife is grumpy and hugs the wall and counts the articles of "tigerwear" in the room.   I have a few items of "tigerwear" and increased my count by  adding two new baseball caps.    VERN said I have only one head and college girl was shocked when I hollered Vern's name to come to the other end of the bookstore to the empty registers and to view the new food area that wasn't there the last time I was there.   Forgot that Vern had seen it in August (again when I wasn't there) and sulked until college girl said we could walk her to class.    She proclaimed there was nothing  we could do that embarrassed her even after I hollered in the bookstore.    So we walked college girl to her class and said goodbye until lunch.   (these events are out of order).

And then I cried.  I cried when the last event of the last evening was finished.    I didn't mean to cry, it just sort of started.   I warned the girl it was coming in case she wanted to flee...but she hugged me instead and started crying too.   I felt bad for starting her tears and then turned to a complete stranger man wearing his own "tigerwear" and said "I don't want to go home."
That pretty much sums up our trip and since no one who is the boss of me reads this I'll add that I'm going to Arkansas in November with Vern and the dogs and  to a three day meet in Missouri in  December  minus Vern and the dogs.  
The End.
BTW... i only know how to post pics as individual posts.   just keep scrolling on down.

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