Wednesday, June 16, 2010


"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.
For me they are the role models for being alive."
Gilda Radner

He's fine.   Sleeping again, but still fine.

 14 years ago, Ollie was the little dog star of dog school (the same one Stevie is attending).   He was awarded 4th place at the conclusion of class and we decided they had little dog predjudice.
Ollie's last year hasn't been easy.   Break in a new, wild big dog.   Lose your best buddy.   Get a new little buddy who has too, too  ....way too much energy.
But he's a trooper.   A grumpy trooper, but still, a trooper.
Mattie and Stevie waited down on the sidewalk with Ollie for me to open the door this morning.   Ollie doesn't do steps and he loves his yard.   I carry him out every morning and let him roam a bit with his buddies and then go get him.   The other two use the dog door.   Today they didn't.   They waited down off the steps with our old man for me to come pick him up, then we all came in.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I love dogs. Good old Ollie!!!!=)