Friday, May 28, 2010

shhhh. sleeping leader

I'll have some kind of a picture by Tuesday.   It will be my homework for the weekend.     Mattie wants her walk every day.    She has some subtle and not so subtle ways to ask..
she has picked two times  to get noticed.    Before the meal and after the meal.    She knows there is couch/NBC nightly news time and she'll sit quietly to be scratched and talked to by the leader.     As Brian Williams finishes....leader gets up.    This is her first chance.    She jumps, she dances, she follows  feet.    If the feet go into the kitchen, there is still a chance...if the feet go into the back bedrooms the chance might be gone and she returns to the couch or her front window.
The leader re-emerges from the back dressed in shorts and here is another's either walking time or he's going to play basketball.    She hovers, jumps and sometimes just sits and looks sad....when she remembers to do works.    She should remember that.    
After the meal....if she has waited patiently this long, she gets naughty.     She  will sit and watch everyone eat and if no one still walks her...she jumps on the couch and starts sticking her head, nose, and teeth in places they shouldn't be.
Earlier this week, all of her skills failed.....she looked up, it was 8:30ish pm and there was snooring.    She looked a genuinely panicked and went from him to me and back to him and finally it was just so very sad I picked up her leash, she jumped (literally) for joy and we didn't come back until the moon was out.
I should add....I do walk her too, but she is most happy with her leader.    He calls her beautiful girl.
I tell her nice girls don't eat rabbits....which is...for the spring at least... the sole focus of walking.   That, and squirrels.

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